martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012


Verbo Pasado Simple El participio pasado arise arose arisen awake awoke awoken B bear bore borne beat beat beaten become became became begin began begun bend bent bent beset beset beset bet bet/betted bet bid bid bid bind bound bound bite bit bitten bleed bled bled blow blew blown break broke broken breed bred bred bring brought brought broadcast broadcast broadcast build built built burn burnt/burned burnt/burned burst burst burst buy bought bought C cast cast cast catch caught caught choose chose chosen cling clung clung come came come cost cost cost creep crept crept cut cut cut Verbo Pasado Simple El participio pasado D deal dealt dealt dig dug dug dive dived/dove (AmE) dived do did done draw drew drawn dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed drink drank drunk drive drove driven E eat ate eaten F fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found fit fit fit flee fled fled fling flung flung fly flew flown forbid forbade forbidden forget forgot forgotten forego/forgo forewent foregone forgive forgave forgiven forsake forsook forsaken foretell foretold foretold freeze froze frozen G get got got/gotten (AmE) give gave given go went gone grind ground ground grow grew grown


Prepositions A preposition says something about the positions. Noun (Prepositions) The ring is in the box. Where is the ring? In the box. The ring above the box. Where is the ring? Above the box. The picture is above the fireplace. The ring is on the box. The book lies on the table. The ring is below the box. Where is the ring? Below the box. Below-lower than. The apples are below the bananas. The garden is behind the house. Where is the garden? Behind the garden. Behind-at the back of She is kidding behind the curtain. The boy fell against the wall. Against-touching or in contact with. She is leaning against the couch. The boy fell beside the wall. Ring beside the box. Ring against the box. He likes to be among his friends. Among-in a group. The ring is among the boxes Around or round-in a circular way. We are sitting around the teacher. The ring is among the boxes. The boxes are around the ring.

adverbs question

who : information about person.
what: information about a thing or something general
when: information about thetime something happens
where information about place
which: choice between a few possibilites
whose: who the owner ofsomething.
why : the reason for something
How: Quality or Quantity